Could it really be possible to stay centered and take exceptional care of your body and spirit, even throughout the chaos of the Holiday Season?
The answer is YES!
If you are willing to let your body lead the way and receive the loving support of this Guided Group Program, I GUARANTEE that you will be less stressed this Holiday Season, stay strong and healthy throughout the winter, and gain priceless confidence in your ability to care for and count on your body in any situation.
Why wait until New Year’s to treat your body with kindness? Save yourself from the stress and disappointment of unrealistic resolutions. Learn how to satisfy your mind/body needs with healthy awareness now… and prevent those post-Holiday blues!
Balance Your Body
90 Day Group Program
November 5th to January 28th
Do you dream of having more confidence in your body’s appearance and ability? Do you find yourself easily distracted and wanting to gain more clarity and brainpower to get tasks done? Has stress prevented you from enjoying, or even seeing, all of the beauty you encounter every day? Do you crave a strong, healthy body that allows you to live a more vibrant and energetic life?!
Chances are you’ve tried many products in your search for health and happiness… and many times you’ve been let down. It’s time to find a solution that sticks by embracing a program that works with you, not for you.
That’s where I come in. My name is Jo delAmor and I’ll be your coach, mentor, cheerleader and friend throughout your journey. I’ve spent the past 5 years coaching individuals and groups through their personal healing journeys while building a collection of the most practical, honest and relevant resources for natural self-care and wellness available.
I now have a deep and connected relationship with my body… but it wasn’t always this way…
I started out in life as an average American kid. I was raised during the 80s on processed food and TV in a middle class American family. As a teenager, I was plagued with extreme acne, frequent colds and flus, mononucleosis and serious depression. I had no understanding of, or real connection with, my body. I suffered for years with a serious battle of Candidiasis (yeast overgrowth) that left me discouraged, weak and extremely self-conscious. In a state of desperation, I tried every over-the-counter, prescription and home remedy I could get my hands on.
Eventually, I went to a nutritionist. She changed my life by telling me exactly what I didn’t want to hear. Vibrant health and well-being couldn’t be found in a prescription bottle… I would have to reevaluate my relationship with food and heal from within. This meant eliminating the refined sugars, dairy and wheat that fed my condition. These three foods made up the bulk of my diet at that time. Not understanding that there were healthy alternatives to these food items, I attempted to cut them out of my diet completely… and was left feeling frustrated and deprived.
Without a holistic health coach to inform me of these alternatives and about the importance of caring for both body and spirit, I was left to finding a path to good health on my own. It took years of experimentation with food and exploration of my body’s needs to develop a balance that worked for me… and it wasn’t easy. With dedication and patience I learned how to intuitively read my body and provide it with the nourishment it needs. This required more than a kitchen full of fruits and vegetables… It required a new perspective towards my body in general. It required gratitude and self-respect. It required LOVE.
I now enjoy vibrant health, optimal energy levels, and a sense of well being that has completely transformed the quality of my life. I went from resenting my body and punishing myself, to recognizing my body as the beautiful and miraculous instrument that it is. I am here today to encourage you to explore a method that I whole-heartedly believe in. It worked for me and has worked time and time again for my clients. I believe that it will work for you, too… I believe in you! Do you?
“I started working with Jo, thinking I would improve my relationship with food. I have struggled with eating habits my whole adult life. Although I have uncovered many things during our sessions concerning food, I found out quickly that the underlying issues in my life went far deeper than simply what I do or do not put into my body. I believe in my ability to heal and grow now because I am reaping the benefits of what I have sown. I am utterly changed. It feels so good to grow and learn how to love myself, and therefore feel true compassion for myself and others in my life. This work has made such an impact on my life! I look forward to digging deeper still, to feeling better and better, and to living my life more fully each day. Thank you, Jo!!!”
Lauren, Pilates Instructor and Mother Crestone, CO
No one is more deserving of your love than you.
During this program you’ll learn how to stop punishing yourself for not meeting the unrealistic ideals fabricated by society. These ideals are not real… but you are. I invite you to fall in love with your body and develop the needed level of respect and self-mastery to move on to more profound and subtle levels of healing. As you do this you’ll be able to fully show up in your life and do what you came here to do, with confidence.
By cherishing the LIFE force within you and all around you, you’ll gain an intuitive understanding that you are a microcosm of the Earth and that we are all together in this grand and mysterious healing process. What we do on a personal level ripples out and contributes to global transformation. Every splendid Redwood or majestic Oak began with a single seed. Think of yourself as a seed, full of the potential to create something extraordinary.
It all begins with good health. Health is the most important thing… everyone wants to be healthy. So let’s clear out the confusion and get right down to it…
What is it going to take for you to experience authentic wellbeing? And what do you get to do with that?
“Jo, thank you so much for seeing me through that process and supporting me in doing what was best for me and my family. You saved me a HUGE amount of stress! Thank you so much for the incredible support you have been. Accepting me, where I’m at, without judgment. Sincerely interested in what I have to say and what I’m struggling with as well as sincerely interested and invested in my success, progress, and happiness. You really are special. Thank you.”
Kerry, Artist and Mother Philadelphia, PA
“I can honestly say that because of the spark that is Jo delAmor, I love my body today and have never felt more healthy and detoxed in my life! ♥♥♥ If you are serious about changing your relationship with your body then Jo is a loving guide that kicks butt when needed! LOL! Love ya Jo! ♥♥♥”
Malathy, Social Entrepreneur Crestone, CO
“Working with Radiant Balance has transformed the way I think about my health. I am no longer resigned to getting endless colds in the winter or letting anxiety hijack my body. In a culture where companies’ marketing strategies are designed to mislead and confuse us, I finally feel empowered to make healthy choices.”
Eileen, Director of Justice Campaigns for IJM and Mother Cambridge, MA
“Going into this I knew I would most likely feel better physically by changing my diet. What has really been a surprise is that changing my diet has been such a healing experience for not just my body but my soul as well. It amazes me that my diet was connected with so many other aspects of my life- relationships, mood, and spirituality.”
Lisa, Pharmacist, Health Coach and Mother Chugiak, AK
Yeah, but…
Can this really work for me?
I promise your situation is NOT hopeless… no matter what youʼve been told.
Most people who struggle with lack of confidence in their bodies, unhealthy eating habits, stress and anxiety, and chronic disease have been fed myths by media, pharmaceutical companies, and the doctors that they influence. These myths can be detrimental to your self image, have adverse effects on your health, cost you loads of money and cause you to take extreme, and often harmful, measures that may not be necessary. Below are just a few of these myths:
Common myths that keep you from authentic and sustainable well-being
* You have to look like a magazine cover model to be desirable. Art and literature indicate that in ancient Rome, small breasts and wide hips were considered to be the ideal body type. In the Renaissance Era, a full figure, one that would be considered over weight by today’s standards, was praised as perfection. A boyish figure was desired in the Roaring 20’s, ironically followed by feminine curves in Hollywood’s Golden Age. To conform to every ideal that society creates would be impossible. The fact is, we come in all shapes and sizes. Our uniqueness should be celebrated, not condemned. This requires embracing the body that you have and thanking it by treating it with love, respect, and good health!
• Drastically cutting calories and getting a gym membership is the only way to lose weight. Slimming down is not all about portion control. You don’t need to deprive yourself of food to lose weight… in fact, doing so is a shock to your system and only harms you in the end. You can stay satisfied, feel great and still lose weight by enjoying high-quality whole foods and purging your body of toxins. As for the gym membership? There are plenty of alternatives to the gym if a stationary bike just isn’t your thing, including hiking in beautiful terrain, playing with your kids, or dancing like no one is watching.
• Anxiety, ADD, Depression and other ailments are serious conditions that require medication. While medication may work wonders for some, it may cause adverse side effects and actually exacerbate the condition in others, so it’s important to explore your options. Sometimes the solution really is as simple as changing your diet and lifestyle to get to the root cause and create lasting change.
Itʼs time to try something different. I trust that you found your way to me because you are ready for a paradigm shift, a fresh possibility… for hope. Join us for 90 days and give yourself the gift of real transformation!
We will work with your unique body and particular health goals to get you in excellent shape that you can actually sustain and improve as you age.
“Today you can choose to be present in your body and accept that the body you are in has carried you through your life to date, it has carried you through thick and thin, and it continues to carry you, it is your friend not your enemy.” Karen Cigna
To listen to a recording of our recent Preview Call involving passionate, curious listeners just like you, please click here
Hereʼs the transformation that you can look forward to in the Balance Your Body 90 Day Group Program:
• Radically transform your relationship with your body. Feel better both physically and mentally with a healthy and nourished body, optimal energy levels, and a renewed respect and love for this precious gift you’ve been given. Your confidence will soar as you strip away the veil of self-deprecation and allow your natural radiance to shine through.
• Develop bodily intuition and trust what your body is telling you. Learn to listen to your body’s needs and give yourself the nourishment and self-care it deserves. Explore your body’s capabilities and develop an understanding of how it can serve you… and how you can serve it.
• Learn how to stay centered and encourage clarity in times of stress. Stop unhealthy habits from leaching into other aspects of your life or causing you to project unhappiness or frustration upon others.
• Transmute feelings of judgement, jealousy, and resentment through gratitude, self-love, and compassion.
• Learn how to manage your time in a way that allows you to make healthy choices and continue to check off that to-do list.
• Be an inspiration to your friends and family. People are easily influenced, and inspired, by the actions of those around them… especially children. Pass your healthy habits onto those you love.
• Fine tune your body’s ability to heal itself and function optimally, that way you can focus your energy on discovering your passion and utilizing your talents to serve humanity.
• Rid yourself of toxins that contribute to digestive issues, acne, menstrual problems, candida, mental blocks, lethargy, a weak immune system, and much more!
• Break free from negative patterns. Realize your potential and know that you can bust through the barriers of health mediocrity.
This one-of-a-kind guided group experience will take your healing journey deeper and Balance Your Body in profound and sustainable ways. We’ll be diving into the juiciest insights and tools for achieving balance in your body, culled from my 5 years as a Holistic Heath Counselor and Detox Coach, along with my own discoveries from the past 15 years of conscious personal healing and transformation.
All this will be wrapped up into a joyfully interactive group program that will radically improve your experience of living in and with your precious body!
Here’s how the Program works:
An intimate group of intelligent, passionate women from all over the country will come together for this program to encourage and inspire one another, create new relationships, have fun and help facilitate lasting change in their lives and yours.
The program will include:
• 12 tele-gatherings where we will explore new concepts and discuss new information (All calls will be recorded so you can revisit them whenever and as often as you’d like)
• Self care practices and experiments
• Laser coaching
• Group support and a private Facebook group to openly discuss your experience with your peers
• Questions and answers dialogue
• Expert guest speakers
• Email communication, encouragement and support
• Access to recipes, tips, articles and more!
Hereʼs What You Should Do Next…
Ready to transform your body and your life?
Enroll now to begin your journey!
Sorry, Sold Out!
Do you wish to transform your health, appearance and mind-set so that you can live a full and vibrant life? Then what are you waiting for? Commit to your health today to enjoy a better tomorrow. With Balance Your Body, you will experience the best of both worlds… dedicated, attentive care from a professional holistic health coach AND the support and inspiration of working in a group. Balance Your Body is an investment of $630… a huge savings in comparison to the cost of yo-yo dieting (on your wallet and your health), a gym membership that doesn’t get used, and private coaching. Commit to more than just your appearance… say YES to your spirit, your well-being, your future.
I think youʼll agree that the Balance Your Body Group Program is a bargain for the healing transformation, dedicated support, and invaluable information that you’ll receive… not to mention the life-long changes that it inspires. But I understand that you’ve probably heard a lot of promises about your health over the years, and you are right to be suspicious of anything that sounds this good…
I want you to know that I have as much invested in your success in this program as you do… in fact… MORE. And I intend to PROVE IT to you–
Within 24 hours after the first teleseminar on Mon, November 5th, if you are not convinced that this program will help you positively transform your health, I’ll give you your money back!
There is absolutely no way that you can lose – except by not taking advantage of this incredible opportunity to finally stop getting caught in old patterns, and start living life to your full potential!
Sold Out!
Your coach and advocate-
Jo delAmor
PS – What makes this program unique is that it empowers YOU to take your health into your own hands by developing a trusting relationship with your precious body. Remember this has worked really well for me, itʼs worked really for others, and thereʼs a good chance it will work for you to. Donʼt you deserve the possibility of that?
The Balance Your Body program will NOT load you down with a rigid set of rules to follow or require you to “be perfect”. In fact, through the insights you experience in this program, youʼll find that you already ARE perfect…all there is left to do is to fall in LOVE with YOURSELF and start enjoying the mutually beneficial relationship that will give you back your precious life!
Are you a friend or family member of one of our Balance Your Body participants? Save $45 off of your enrollment fee by signing up on the link below and including your friend’s name in the ‘Add special instructions to the seller’ section at checkout. Not only will you save money, but we’ll refund your friend $45 just for referring you! Once you have enrolled, refer your own friends and save even MORE money. For each participant that you recommend, we’ll refund you an additional $45!
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