The Shape of a Life

Early in the Speak the Spark program Leah asked us to get a long piece of paper and map out the story of our personal lives without using any words. A life story told entirely through symbols and images.

I loved this assignment!

It was the perfect excuse to create with imagery again after an agonizingly long hiatus from painting. I loved that my “homework” forced me to squeeze some time out of my busy schedule for getting artsy and conjuring meaningful images. Most of all, I loved dropping into that subtle field where images drift in through my consciousness and communicate subtleties that words can never quite fully express.

It is said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” But truly, pictures often say what words simply can’t, no matter how many you would use.

When I was first given this assignment one image came to mind immediately. I had no idea what other images might come, if any, but I decided to sit down and just sketch out that first one to get started.

This very first one was kind of surprising to me. It came from my childhood and it was crystal clear. A crab.

It was the kind of crab that my friends and I used to catch on the shores of the Cape Cod Bay on our many long days at the beach in the summers of the 1980s. Moms would sit in the sun on beach chairs with umbrellas cocked nearby and coolers and beach towels strewn about, chatting about grown up mom stuff while we ran around and swam and caught crabs like a herd of wild beach bummin’ kiddos, sunburnt and salty, all covered in sand.

While the tide was going out and the water was receding from around the rocks of the jetty and the waving thickets of beach grass, we would pry a muscle clam off one of the rocks and pluck out a piece of that beach grass to create our lure. We’d smash open the muscle shell between two rocks and pull out the slimy, squishy clam from within. Then we’d tie the skinny end of the beach grass around the muscle. Nice and tight.

Once that was all set we’d scramble up onto the jetty, trying not to slice open our feet and legs on the barnacles, and slowly dangle the muscle down in between the rocks on the end of the piece of beach grass. One person would do this sacred task while another would stand in wait with a net and the rest of the herd would look on anxiously. If a crab sensed the muscle and grabbed onto it, the child holding the beach grass would oh-so-carefully lift up the beach grass, quickly, but not too quickly, and the kid with the net would swoop in under, capturing the crab to add to our collection.

We didn’t catch every one. It was hit or miss. But we were diligent and, much to our delight (and most probably to the crabs’ chagrin), we would inevitably fill our buckets with squirming crabs, to heat up in the sun while we played and swam.

I think we figured out this crab catching method on our own. Or maybe an older kid showed us. Either way, it was ours, and we were proud of it.

This one simple image is a key that unlocks a thousand memories in my soul. It instantly transports me from the cold raining city streets of Oregon and this 41-year-old body to the hot, sticky, sandy beaches of my youth.

Everything comes with it…

…the light on the water, buoys gently bobbing, the smell of salty air and the comfortingly familiar stench of low tide, the almost forgotten names of the kids I played with and the gritty crunch of real sand in the ‘sandwiches’ we ate together. It’s amazing. It’s all there, packed into that little colored pencil sketch of a crab.

More present than all of these specific details, however, is the felt sense of what it felt like to be me back then.

These were the days before tragedy struck my family. When I was just a kid, like all the other kids. These were the days when I had two big sisters that played with me and took care of me. When we were a family of five and I was the baby.

As I allowed myself to sink into that feeling, more images came. And more. And more. My life began to pour out onto the paper in a wordless flood of expression. Each image opened a gateway into a whole world of experience and perception, carrying countless layers of vivid memory from the various unique moments of my life. Senses, thoughts and experiences that would have otherwise remained obscured by forgetfulness rushed forth within their simple shapes and colors.  

When the drawing was complete I stepped back to take it all in and observe. I saw it all there together in its progression.

I was able to witness my life as a work of art; a sensory experience, a medley of images and color, light and darkness, shapes and movement that characterized all of those individual lived moments.

I saw how the vibrant colors of the first nearly 10 years of my story map gave way sharply to the turbulent blues and grays that represent my oldest sister’s death and the decade-long dark period that followed. And the circuitous way that life roped me back in, through despair and rebellion into adventure and discovery, bringing the color and beauty back, along with a whole lot of sacredness.

As I took it all in together I noticed that my life has its own style and flavor, indeed, its very own shape.

There is an enormous sense of relief in that for me.

It reminded me of a tender and beautiful poem that my sister sent to me a couple of years ago, which I’ll share here to have the final word…

The Cure –by Albert Huffstickler

We think we get over things.

We don’t get over things.

Or say, we get over the measles

but not a broken heart.

We need to make that distinction.

The things that become part of our experience

never become less a part of our experience.

How can I say it?

The way to “get over” a life is to die.

Short of that, you move with it,

let the pain be pain,

not in the hope that it will vanish

but in the faith that it will fit in,

find its place in the shape of things

and be then not any less pain but true to form.

Because anything natural has an inherent shape

and will flow towards it.

And a life is as natural as a leaf.

That’s what we’re looking for:

not the end of a thing but the shape of it.

Wisdom is seeing the shape of your life

without obliterating (getting over) a single

                                     instant of it.

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The Multi-Myth with Michael Meade

In our October session of Speak the Spark we had the incredible pleasure of listening to Michael Meade, author of the recently released book, Awakening the Soul (among many others). What an amazingly warm, authentic, deeply rooted human being!!! I was completely enthralled for the full two hours of his sharing and felt deeply held in the space created by his presence.

What struck me most about him were his courage and his curiosity.

This courageous curiosity allows him to be vibrantly alive and paying close attention…to everything. From the painful to the sublime. From the personal to the collective. From the ancient to the temporal. Even here and now, in the midst of this society of willful ignorance and desperate numbness, he is paying exquisitely close attention to the ever-unfolding story of the Soul…our individual souls and their relationship to the Soul of the World.

As a scholar and keeper of myths, he is able to see the world we live in through a timeless, mythological lens.

He spoke about the state of affairs in our world and the falling apart of institutions. He referenced the dissolution of the structures of our society. He intentionally did not refer to “the end of the world,” because, as he says, the world will most certainly go on. He also let us know that ‘end’ doesn’t even mean what we take it to mean. In storytelling terms, he said that it means that loose thread that is left when one story finishes so that another might begin.

As an example of this unraveling he spoke about the confirmation hearings being held for Brett Kavanaugh’s US Supreme Court position that were being held at the time. He unpacked the current events of our week in a mythical context, speaking of archetypes and timeless wisdom. He brought our attention to how this spectacle has the whole country mesmerized as we wrestle again and continually with the conflict between truth and falsehoods.

The deconstruction and falling apart in our world at this time creates a loosening…an opening…that creates room for the new.

But here he reiterated a teaching I have heard many times before. He was clear that it is not possible for us to create new myths. Myths, he affirmed, are ancient. And ancient has nothing to do with time. It is beyond time. The ancient is both immediate and very, very old.

However, in this time of transformation, ancient archetypes and stories are emerging in new ways.

He described the experience we are living within as a multi-myth. Many myths are being expressed together at the same time, calling for the unique genius of each person to meet all the needs of our changing world. In one of his books, entitled The Genius Myth, he shares his understanding that each and every one of us is born with unique, genius qualities that are urgently needed to address the seemingly impossible problems our world faces.  

The source of these problems, he says, is a loss of soul.

We’ve lost our connection to our own souls and to the Soul of the World. He says that we are cosmologically dislocated. We are disconnected from the whole singing Universe and our place within it.

During the class he used the term “ensouled” a few times to describe what we need to be. Toward the end of the session a fellow classmate asked him to explain that term a bit more for us. This is a paraphrased version of what he said:

Where we are ensouled is where and what and who we love. We start out with some soul but we’re also supposed to be growing soul along the way. Soul is connected to the body. What we love is the cure. Through following what we love we discover the shape and the nature of our soul. On that journey we inevitably encounter some pain. Soul loves depth. We’re supposed to get deeper as we get older. More and more present. More and more connected. Soul makes art and music out of pain. Soul is the ground of healing. We need to awaken a deeper level of the soul…soul is connected to water and earth and it descends into multiplicity…we need diversity with respect, love and appreciation for each other. The more soul we can find the more we can work together.

Personal Caveat: This is my hugely oversimplified summary of the very rich concepts that Michael lays out in his books and in our class. If you’re intrigued or want to dig in deeper I highly recommend reading the books mentioned in this article: Awakening the Soul  and The Genius Myth, as well as subscribing to his podcast Living Myth and exploring the other resources available on his website,

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Living into a New Story with Charles Eisenstein

When I saw the lineup of guest teachers for the Speak the Spark course I was immediately in. Ten of the most brilliant thinkers and radical, change-making storytellers of our times were scheduled to walk us through this journey of exploring sacred storytelling for a new paradigm. The first among them, and one of the ones that really drew me in, was Charles Eisenstein. I’ve been following his work for years, have read a couple of his books and have always appreciated the way he challenges the stories that form the basis of our society. (I call these stories our “cultural assumptions” and explored outing them in this blog post.)

In his book, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, he identifies the root story of modern Western society as being “The Story of Separation.” He explains that this idea of separation is a shared belief and assumption. Not an absolute truth. And yet, it is the premise on which our entire society is built. It’s the underpinning of our economy, our forms of government, the way we conduct our personal lives and how we form our opinions. It is the story from which all the other stories grow.

He explains that the Story of Separation is beginning to fall apart. It’s not as robust as it once was. It is showing its weaknesses and its hypocrisies in ways that can no longer be hidden. And he paints a picture of the next story, yet to fully unfold…The Story of Interbeing. He says that we are currently between stories, as one falls away and the other comes into form. Here, in this in between space, he met with our class by video conference to discuss the power and nuance of story as it lives and breathes among us and creates the reality in which we live.

Yes, stories live. And breathe and grow and change. And they speak. And they shape our consciousness as they are told and carried.

He advised us to listen. To attune our ears and our beings to hear what the stories in our lives are and to pay attention to the purpose they serve in being told. He encouraged us to listen to all the stories. The stories of the human beings we agree with and the ones we don’t agree with. And to the stories of non-humans, as well. To intentionally expand our listening heart and grow the awareness that everything is communicating all the time…and there may be a lot to learn.

Typically, he said, we are insulated by our stories. We believe them so fool-heartedly that contrary facts and information don’t even register with us. We have a kind of psychological immunity to evidence that contradicts our core stories.

When we surround ourselves with more and more stories that affirm and strengthen the stories we already believe we become rigid and polarized against others who are doing a similar thing with an opposing story. This is the condition that is generated by our social media logarithms and the U.S. political system (and many others around the globe)

In the case of polarization he suggests to ask ourselves…

“What do both sides secretly agree on?”

This question begins to give some clues about the cultural assumptions that both sides may share, often revealing avenues for resolution or, perhaps, even exposing the real root of the conflict itself.

In the debate about climate change what does everyone agree on? That global temperatures are the primary indication of planetary health.

Charles challenged this assumption during our class and has actually recently released an entire book on the topic, entitled Climate: A New Story.

He has come to the belief that the biggest threat to the Earth is not necessarily rising global temperatures, but the loss of species and significant depletion of biodiversity, etc. that results from the Story of Separation to which we are so deeply conditioned.

Everyone from the climate deniers to the mainstream environmentalists and scientists have been conditioned to this Story of Separation. The conversation around climate change often assumes the world is a geo-mechanical object and that human beings are separate from “it”. Even the global officials who are most passionate about saving the world from climate disaster seem to be saying that we can fix the problem if we just tinker with the carbon ratios quickly enough (like it’s a Diesel engine or something). This thinking keeps us locked into the problem.

The problem is that we have forgotten how to listen to the Story of the Earth Herself. We have forgotten how to listen to the Story of Life. And we have forgotten how to express the Story of our Love for Life. As human beings we have an innate love for life, in all its many expressions. The awe and wonder and joy that are natural in all children is evidence of this. But the dominant story we’re living within short circuits this innate love and recognition in order to justify the atrocities that make up the practices of industrialized society.

Even in the environmentalist version of the mainstream story human beings are separate from the rest of the world. This view keeps the argument in the zone of geo-mechanical tinkering and/or changing our fuel source. It gives us an excuse to continue Business As Usual while we argue and strategize. It keeps us away from really examining what is going on within our living interrelationship with all of Life. It keeps us from challenging the foundational story that upholds our separate egoic selves.

Additionally, in this version of the story of climate change humans are the bad guys. Unequivocally. We are the ones that ruined the planet. And with that heaping serving of shame there is essentially no viable place for us to live into the future of that story as egoic separate selves.

However, the new story that is being birthed…The Story of Interbeing or the Story of the Living Sentient Planet…guides us to remember that the planet is alive and every being that is a part of the body of the planet requires care and respect, including us! This is a story of love and caring for Life. This is a story that could inform and guide our choices as it replaces the Story of Separation. It is a story that could empower us to contribute to healing and regeneration.

What story do you want to run toward? Which one do you want to run from?

Charles expressed that it’s ok to follow where our care calls us. Perhaps, even, that that is what is needed most. He said that the problems and their solutions are way beyond the modern reductionist understanding of causality. Environmental health and social health are interrelated and Love and care are essential for the wellbeing of all.


Personal Caveat: This is my hugely oversimplified summary of the very rich concepts he lays out in his books and in our class. If you’re intrigued or want to dig in deeper I highly recommend reading the books mentioned in this article: The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible and Climate: A New Story. I also highly recommend Sacred Economics.



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Dianic Creation Story

Let us begin at the beginning…

Before the Speak the Spark course even really begun we received our first assignment. To find a creation story that spoke to our hearts and to share it with the group.

Creation stories are the first stories…they are the stories of beginnings, of origins…the stories upon which all other stories are built. They are the foundation of every culture.

For the past several years I’ve been trying to find the thread of my own ancestral cultural lineage in this seemingly endless blanket of artificial homogenization we call modern society. It has been quite a challenge to shake loose from the amnesia of this modern mindset to reach back through the dark corridors of time and re-member the story of my people.

{See below for two powerful learning experiences that have supported this process for me.}

The Longos. My mother’s father’s family while he is still in his mother’s womb. This picture was taken in 1918 just two years after the family arrived in the US from Sicily.

Most of my great-grandparents came from Italy in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Faint traces of Italian-ness lingered into my childhood in the 1980s. I remember large meals of incredible food made from scratch, lots of loud talking and opinions, a few odd Italian phrases (mostly curse words), and the feeling of la famiglia.

The Bassignanas. My father’s family. He’s the little guy in the middle with something in his mouth. The old man next to him is my great grandfather Giuseppe who came to the US from Sienna at 23 years old in 1904.

But by the 1980s we were mostly a generic American family. The last vestiges of cultural uniqueness, language, knowledge and real stories that my ancestors carried had faded. Over the course of hundreds of years of the cultural imperialism that eventually led to what we now know as America the natural ways of my people had been forcibly obscured, demonized and done away with to make way for assimilation.

This cultural genocide started long before America was even a glimmer in the eyes of the Europeans, through the atrocities of the Roman Empire and the oppressive reign of the Catholic Church. My ancestors likely lived through the Inquisition and Burning Times. Their communities were likely torn apart and devastated as several of the women (and men) among them were accused of witchcraft and executed in horrific public displays designed to force compliance with new cultural expectations and subjugation.

This form of cultural oppression and domination has traumatized populations of people all over the world and forced them to abandon their personal cultural lineages. Yet, each and every one of us comes from a cultural lineage that, if traced back far enough, leads to a rich, unique  and beautiful intact culture of people living in direct relation with the land from which they have been birthed.

(I discuss this in more depth here and here.)

To rekindle this memory and understand my own cultural origins I have been following the clues my ancestors have left behind like little breadcrumbs back to a dimly lit guess at the life my ancestors may have lived in the time before this cultural genocide when they were still living in direct relationship with the land.

This search has led me back to stories of the Goddess Diana. I can’t be sure if my ancestors revered Diana. I don’t even know if they always lived in what is now known as Italy. And I have no idea if the information that I am finding about Dianic worship is historically accurate. But I found this simple version of a Dianic Creation Story in my quest and it speaks to me.

Now, let me speak it to you…

(I found the text for this story here:

Why I love this story…

I was so thrilled to find this story about Diana Luna. The Goddess Diana and her Greek counterpart Artemis have been powerful threads that have woven through my whole life. She is the goddess of the hunt and the moon and the woodland, associated with deer and the wild animals of the woods.

She has lived into my life in mysterious and mythical expressions, from my childhood fascination with the Moon and lifelong affinity to practical magic, to the intuitive inspiration to name my own daughter Luna. I feel that the energy of the Goddess has been with me each day of my life.

I have also always felt a strong draw to the Old Religion.

Reverence for the visceral sacredness of the natural world makes sense to me. It feels right to me.

Through inquiry, practice and observation of the world around me, my personal spiritual path has led me more and more deeply to this reverence. The magnetic longing and the wild, messy, passionate love between the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine appear to me to be the Source of all Life. This continual Creation can be seen and experienced each moment in every aspect of Life.

As I greet the Father Sun and the Mother Earth each morning I feel awe and gratitude for their life-making love. I feel the warmth of the Sun’s rays on my face and the cool strength of the Earth beneath my feet and marvel at the resonant vibrant energy field that they hold between them with their love. This narrow field creates and maintains the exactly precise conditions for life to exist. The dynamic, magnetic tension of their passion for each other keeps this whole place cooking. It births, maintains and metabolizes all of life. I can feel this timeless truth all the way down to the marrow of my bones, even in these industrial, commercialized times.

This love story between the light and the dark…the Goddess and the God…that births the whole world into being with their union rings so true to me. It feels like it plucks that thread of ancestral memory and resonates through my entire being.


Click here to see more posts with thoughts, reflections and assignments related to the year-long program, Speak the Spark: Sacred Storytelling for a New Paradigm, facilitated by Leah Lamb


Here are the learning experiences that I mentioned above that have supported my process of ancestral recovery…

Bolad’s KitchenMartin Prechtel’s unique and life changing school.

My family and I had the indescribable honor and pleasure of being able to study with him for two years. What we learned there transformed our souls and broke open our minds to understand the world as a much more complex, beautiful and living expression of preciousness than I could have ever previously imagined.

Martin taught us (among many other intriguing and delicious details of the world) about the roots and origins of the Indo-European dominant society we find ourselves in today. He guided us in understanding where we come from so we could understand why the world is the way it is today and how we might respond to it in a way that cultivates beauty, reconnection, reciprocity with the Holy Wild and the possibility of a viable culture for those who may come after us (gods willing).

White Awake‘s course… Before We Were White – ancestral recovery for anti-racist action

This course is facilitated by Eleanor Hancock and Darcy Ottey of White Awake. It is an incredible opportunity to awaken your relationship with your ancestral lineage as an act of creative activism and deep commitment to dismantling racism in our modern society. The instructors are phenomenal and the material goes deep.

I had the opportunity to take this course in Jan/Feb of 2018. They are offering it again in Oct/Nov/Dec of 2018. I highly recommend taking this course. If you’re interested in it and have any questions about it let me know.

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Back to School…Divinity Calling

My quest to find a path of authentic service that supports the personal and cultural transformation that I feel is necessary for the healing of our world has lead me away from business…and towards the ministry.

And therefore, back to school.

I shifted out of coaching as my full time focus in 2014 so I could loosen the grip of the commodified business relationship and hopefully free up my energy to be more useful in the healing of the world. I didn’t know what that was going to look like. Although I felt sure that it was necessary for me to pull out of the business model it felt crazy and scary and terribly sad to turn away from the work that I loved doing and felt so passionately about. And it has not been easy to submit myself to working a full-time J-O-B to pay the bills since then. These last four years have been such a challenging journey of letting go and making space for the new…of reflecting and distilling and seeking and surrendering.

I have been asking for guidance every step of the way and paying close attention.

The very first gift that the Universe offered me on this journey was the opportunity to become a student of Martin Prechtel at his unique and life changing school, Bolad’s Kitchen. My family and I had the indescribable honor and pleasure of being able to study with him for two years. What we learned there transformed our souls and broke open our minds to understand the world as a much more complex, beautiful and living expression of preciousness than I could have ever previously imagined.

Martin taught us (among many other intriguing and delicious details of the world) about the roots and origins of the Indo-European dominant society we find ourselves in today. He guided us in understanding where we come from so we could understand why the world is the way it is today and how we might respond to it in a way that cultivates beauty, reconnection, reciprocity with the Holy Wild and the possibility of a viable culture for those who may come after us (gods willing).

As we began our studies at Bolad’s Kitchen I had this sneaking suspicion that they were going to lead me back to my own personal roots in some way…that I would have to return to where I had come from in order to fulfill my mission of service. It kind of freaked me out because I was attached to the life I had created, which happened to be quite far removed from the life of my childhood.

In the midst of our time studying with Martin we had a major upheaval in our personal lives. The emerging needs of our family caused us to have to move quite unexpectedly away from the community in Colorado that I had been devoted to for nearly 15 years. This shook me even deeper than the shift away from coaching. I thought I was going to live in that community for the rest of my life. I arrived there when I was 23 and had poured everything I had into it, investing my hopes and dreams and love and attention and hard work and vision into what I thought was a lifelong relationship with place…mountains, water, plants, trees, animal relatives and the human community.

Set adrift, newly married, without career or home, the path beneath my feet was unclear to me.

This was a time of great soul searching and uncertainty for me. I knew I had to make decisions about my future and career path that would allow me to meet the growing needs of my family. I was humbled, kind of broken down, and trying to be practical. I knew I would have to go back to school for something. I thought teaching would be my best bet. But my spirit resisted like a bucking bronco every time I envisioned myself going down that path.

This is when the Heart Centered Manifestation tools that I had curated for my clients over the years kicked in to help me through. Using these tools I tapped into the feelings and the qualities of the yearning that arose from my heart. I allowed that yearning to speak to me and to breathe a bit, without having to rush to a conclusion. I dreamt on it and journaled on it. And then something surprising emerged.

A calling to the Unitarian Universalist Ministry.

As I leaned into my yearning to serve, I knew I wanted to create a path that would allow me to collaborate with others in service of the world. I wanted a platform to raise up issues of social and environmental justice and to promote radical cultural transformation. But I also wanted to nurture the personal. I wanted to care for individuals and families in the ordinary struggles and joys of their lives, as I had done for years through my coaching practice and in my beloved Colorado community. I wanted to dive in to the real work of navigating the beauty and precariousness of these precious lives we’re given with a group of kind hearted, questioning people.

And right there from the midst of this personal and cultural transformation heartstorm, I remembered the fleeting aspiration I had when I was 18 years old to one day become a UU minister.  It made perfect sense. It all fit in…the personal and the collective…the radical and the spiritual…the structure and the freedom. And it had that subtle ironic humor that so often comes with direct guidance from the Divine.

I was raised as a Unitarian Universalist. This path would be a return to my roots. The justice oriented values and the inclusive respect of all spiritual paths that I had learned from the UU church had always guided my heart and my dedication to the world. And even as my own spiritual journey had led me beyond the church walls and more deeply into various earth-based practices, the sense of community I experienced in my childhood congregation was always alive in me.

All of sudden I was able to envision a path in which I could serve people, Spirit and planet more holistically and authentically than I had been able to before.

Moving towards this goal is going to take several years of hard work and academic dedication. I’m working up to it in stages. This past year, as my family and I settled in to our new home in the city, I participated in a year-long facilitator development program for the Work That Reconnects. This felt like the perfect preamble to the academic journey ahead. The skills and perspectives cultivated through this program will weave into the UU ministry with ease.

These next two years will be dedicated to preparing myself to apply to the Masters of Divinity program at Starr King School for the Ministry, as I save money for tuition and reactivate my academic chops.

During this coming school year (2018-19) I’ll be engaged in an online program called Speak the Spark: Sacred Storytelling for a New Paradigm, facilitated by Leah Lamb. This learning experience promises to be a delicious feast for the heart and mind, with an incredible line up of master teachers from different cultural perspectives that will guide us in the art of storytelling as a vehicle for social change. I’ll also be moving through the Harvard EdX series of courses in Religious Literacy: Traditions and Scriptures. The courses in this series dive into the cultural and spiritual study of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism. Once I’ve completed these courses I’ll return to further my studies of earth-based and indigenous spiritual traditions and continue my pursuit of understanding oppression and the cultural transformation necessary to dismantle and heal from it.

I’m sharing all of this with you in a blog post to anchor and activate this plan.

My intention is to regularly post about what I am learning in order to share the process of my studies with anyone that cares to follow along or read a little here and there. I feel that this practice will help me track my progress and stay accountable to my plan. It will also allow me to practice sharing what I’m learning and honing my transformational communication skills. And hopefully it will provide some content that may be of interested to some of you along the way.

If you read my posts I would love to hear from you in the comments below. It will help keep my spirits up, encourage me along the way and it will be another special opportunity for connection.

All Blessings!!




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Weapons of Mass Distraction

Let’s take a moment to think about the weapons of mass distraction that are plaguing our airwaves these days and the effect that they are having in our lives…

The most important principle I teach in the Activate Your Personal Power program is that Power Follows Attention. This means that whatever you’re paying attention to has your power. Your energy is literally channelled into whatever you’re paying attention to. So, if your attention is scattered all over the place so is your power. It becomes diffused and deflated.
Giving your undistracted and concentrated attention to a project or a situation allows you to engage with it in a powerful way. This is how powerful people get stuff done. They focus. They decide what their goal is and then they direct their attention and energy on the tasks they seek to accomplish to reach that goal. They’re streamlined and efficient. They don’t let distracting side tracks get in their way.

But we, the people, are currently being assaulted on a daily basis by weapons of mass distraction…now more than ever!

The current administration and the news circus that follows them have been scattering and squandering our attention, our energy, and therefore, our power with a relentless barrage of unprecedented attacks on several major societal groups and programs that make up the very fabric of our country, along with what feels like a full blown attack on American democracy itself.
The current POTUS is a master in the art of distraction. His answers are never answers. His sentences are barely sentences. And somehow he seems to have an endless supply of inane and truly disturbing statements to tweet or jabber over the podium or sign into executive order to keep us all jumping from one atrocious headline to the next. Sean Spicer, Kelly Anne Conway and Paul Ryan are right there with him in their impressive ability to evade and distract.
This craze of distraction is not new…it has been the main theme of modern media for decades but it just keeps getting worse. In these last few months it has spiraled completely out of control and has become dizzying, sickening and truly overwhelming.

The deal is…even in the midst of all of this distraction…you’ve got a job to do…a sacred role to play that only you can play.

It is your own unique and essential part in the BIG picture of reality. And the world needs you to do it. In order to make it through this onslaught of the weapons of mass distraction, you need to wield your attention skillfully so you can focus on that job and engage in it in a powerful way, no matter what is going on in the national/global scene.
Your job could be something big for the world like… defending justice and the common good through political, social and/or environmental activism or inspiring the world through your unique artistic expression or creating solutions for some of the major problems we are facing together at this time on the planet.
Or your job could be personal…a smaller, but equally important job that only you can do…raising your child to be a thoughtful, responsible person or healing a family wound and breaking the inheritance of trauma or doing the work that you are called to do in your own personal sphere and knowing that it is where you’re supposed to be or growing food or praying.

Whatever your job is…it’s yours…and it’s sacred and it’s important. The instructions for it are in your own heart…written there for you and only you to read and to follow.

When you bring your attention there and focus your energy on doing that sacred job you are living in your personal power…and you are contributing meaningfully to the wellbeing of the world.
When considering the millions of issues that need to be addressed right now and the many different directions we may be pulled to even in our own hearts it’s important to remember that we are not doing this work alone. As we each do our own work, guided from our own hearts, we are contributing to the movement of people around the world who are also working to care for and heal this precious world.
It’s also important to remember that this work has been going on for many generations and, if we do our part well now, it may continue on for many more generations. We may not see the complete fruition of our work in our lifetimes. Our job is not to fix it all, but to respectfully give thanks to those who came before us for all the hard work, sacrifice and courage they gave throughout their lives and then to honor them by doing the same in our lives for the ones yet to be.

This administration will not last forever (thank goodness!) and the tides of media distraction will continue to ebb and flow and shift…but through it all you still have your sacred work to do.

This is not a time to throw up our hands. It is not a time to get overwhelmed and feel hopeless. This is a time to realize that it is our responsibility to create and care for the world we want to pass down to our children and those yet to be. This is the time for us to concentrate our energies and focus our intent to protect and preserve the wellbeing of the world through justice, peace and solutions that actually work for everyone and the planet.

This is the time to Activate Your Personal Power.

The brilliantly dynamic, engaged, empowering month-long group program that teaches and guides you to do just that begins on April 1, 2017. Follow this link to learn more about the program and register soon. The group will be small and intimate in order to maximize individual coaching and group cohesion so space is limited. If this is calling to you, don’t hesitate to answer the call. And if you have any questions at all please let me know.
Thank you for reading and I look forward to working with those of you who are ready to Activate Your Personal Power.
Posted in Cultural Transformation, Personal Transformation, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Poem for Change

Right in the middle of the undoing and redoing of my personal/professional transformation, my sister, Cristina Cabeza-Kinney, hosted a radical, beautiful, deeply moving poetry event in synch and synergy with the many 100 Thousand Poets for Change events happening around the world.

She asked me to share a poem…for change…for the now.

I ventured out into the woods (a few times) and dug down deep. This is what came out…this is the voice of my now:
(Click on the image below to see it in video form)

We are the children of the Great Forgetting…

Amnesiac orphans, separated from the clan of life by lies.


Lies told and carried through countless generations

Poured from the lips and actions of our mother and fathers

Right into our own tender hearts


Lies bundled up by our teachers and heroes

And handed to us like suitcases made of bricks

For us to carry and pass on to our children and theirs


False stories about the shameful sin it is to be human

That we are essentially flawed

That it is human nature to conquer and destroy


False stories about our dominion over the natural world

That we are intrinsically superior

That it is a human right to colonize and consume


Our own sacred memories were buried and twisted

As these lies have been enforced with violence and brutality

At first, overt, as they stole our children

And raped the trust right out of us.


And then, generation by generation, this brutality mutating

Into an insidious lust for validation in the slave master’s game…

Tricking us to want what kills us…

To want what kills our children and the very possibility for life to continue.


Self-absorbed, lonely, depressed, desperate and hungry…

We have forgotten how to feed life

And how to receive nourishment from life.


We have forgotten the simple delicious dance of the Gifting Way…

The way of giving the song of our lives in praise

To the glorious web of existence…

The way of dropping our seeds on the fertile ground

And rejoicing as they sprout and nourish our relatives.


My heart longs to put down this burden of forgetting

To rejoin the clan of life and remember the dance.


In graceful moments of quietude

When the din of motors and motor-mouths and motor-brains

Gives way to the subtle, beautiful, inexplicable, gentle knowing

Of the voice that still sings deep down in my bones…


I begin to remember the magnificent legacy of human existence…

The majesty of our true human nature.


I hear the exquisitely intricate languages of original peoples

Steeped in thousands of years of intimacy with the living world

Conversing with stones and weather…trees and ancestors…

Rising in song and prayer and laughter


And I whisper…

“I am here…daughter of the Great Mother and Father of all of creation…a relative in the web…long lost sister of the Sacred Hoop of Life.”


And I find myself molting the justifications I inherited…

Shedding my ability to go along with the lies anymore.


Shedding my tolerance for the violence of

Bulldozers ripping the Earth in the name of progress

Gears grinding, diesel engines pumping toxic fumes

Into the crystalline blue sky.


Shedding my willingness to play the game of chasing dollars

To buy sustenance stolen from the belly of our Mother

By the jaws of industry and trucked across her precious body

To save me the trouble of learning my local foodscape.


Shedding my patience for so many years spent distracted

By the illusion of our personal achievements

While the survival of our grandchildren hangs precariously

Over the precipice of melting ice caps and privatized water.


I find myself longing to just lie down beside the creek and listen

For years and decades and eons

Until I remember how to hear her song.


Until it sings through me and my cells remember

What my soul never forgot…

Releasing this notion of separateness

And letting roots grow from my body,

Snaking their way through the cool, moist soil

And sending tendrils of new life reaching up toward the sun

In praise and reverence.


I find myself rising with my brothers and sisters

The wayward human prodigal children of existence

Turning back toward LIFE

And begging for remembrance

Ready to heal and learn

And reweave the BeautyWay

On behalf of ALL of Creation


And I feel the birds and trees

And insects and creepy crawlies

And the Great Central Sun

And the Earth Mother herself

Celebrating our return

Eager to share their songs with us

And teach the dance of the Gifting Way once again


So that we can become the parents

Of the Great Remembering.


This is my most recent poem, crafted and shared as part of the 100 Thousand Poets for Change event hosted by Cristina Cabeza-Kinney here in Crestone, CO.

This event was a fundraiser for the “Tell Stories That Heal” anthology Cristina is putting together…stories of our modern day initiations…the experiences that change us, heal us and make us whole again. To contribute to the fund for publishing this rich body of work please visit Awakening the Phoenix 

The intro and outro music for the video is by the righteous earth mama, Alycia Chambers. Visit Meadowlark Music to hear more of her soul shakin’ tunes.


If you want to read more offerings like this, be sure to subscribe to my email list in the sidebar of this page…I’ll be sending periodic links to the blog posts I make to keep us all connected. Blessings!

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Personal Transformation, Poetry and Art, Relating with Others, Spiritual Connection, Uncategorized, Videos | Leave a comment

Confessions of a Holistic Entrepreneur Part 2: Freedom Time

I’ve never tolerated confinement very well…playing by someone else’s rules or being stuck in limiting situations has never worked out well for me. My wild spirit inevitably rebels and casts off the chains that have bound me.

I’m here in this lifetime to transform. To get REAL. To grow and stretch and explore and discover new, deeper, more authentic and connected ways of being ALIVE in this magical world. 


There’s a story from my childhood that goes back before my own memory can reach that shows me this uncontainable part of me has been there since I was just a wee one. I was probably 2 or 3 years old and my family was cruising down the highway in our old Mazda station wagon. In an act of defiance, perhaps after some arguing, I took off my shoes and chucked them right out the window of the moving car. I was sick of being told to wear shoes. My feet wanted to be free. I refused to be confined in that way. I wanted to go barefootin’!!

This is the energy that wells up in me when my spirit feels confined in any way…I just want to cast off the chains and get FREE.

Needless to say, this doesn’t make me a very good cog in the consumer machine. Climbing the ladder, towing the line, following suit…these are not my strong points.

And that’s one of the reasons I chose the entrepreneurial path. I had to make money somehow but I didn’t want a boss or organization telling me what to do…I wanted the freedom to follow my own creative and spiritual directive…so I struck out on my own…as a free spirited-business owner.

In a lot of ways this way of working has suited me well. I get to set my own goals, make my own schedule, create and break my own rules. As a single mom, it’s given me the opportunity to really be there for my daughter when she needs me and to work around her school events and sick days.

But, after all these years, I realize that these forms of freedom are a trade-in for the deeper freedom that I actually crave.

Being a “business owner” has been its own form of confinement. Relying on the fluctuating income my business generates to cover the basic necessities of life has kept me trapped in a constant state of stress and desperation for years… while learning to strategize and scheme new ways to improve my income and create a steadier flow has not only hijacked the true mission of my work, at times, but has also been a profound form of subjugation and submission to the growth-based capitalism that I see destroying the magical freedom of life of Earth. 


Bound to the need to “build” my business within the commercialized economy I’ve had to continually clip my wings, temper my speech and behave myself in order to appeal to potential clients and keep my head above water financially. 

I am no longer willing to do this.

I am no longer willing to subject my own spiritual mission of supporting, nourishing and facilitating authentic transformation to the confines of the conventional economy.

The type of radical transformation that I believe we are being called to demands us to stretch and grow way beyond the limitations of this dying economic system…to break free of the illusion of scarcity created by the commodification of everything we can possibly put a price tag on…from our food and water and shelter to our most sacred transformational processes.

“When everything is subject to money, then the scarcity of money makes everything scarce, including the basis of human life and happiness.”

– Charles Eistenstein Sacred Economics

Outside of this paralyzing human economy thrives the age-old reality of the Gifting Way…the way of the natural world that gives itself freely to feed the whole. Ironically, the abundance we’re all searching for is right there at our fingertips…just beyond the fence of “civilized” life…just over the border of our industrial hunger.

It is the natural way of all beingsincluding humans.

It’s not something to “get” or conquer…it’s something to give ourselves to. And it is the very thing that we must rediscover if we intend to emancipate ourselves from the slavery of this modern economy and regain any hope for a future of freedom. The seeming omnipotence of the infamous “1%” global oligarchy and the intensity of our own financial pressures may make this rediscovery seem like an impossible pipe dream. But grand transformation sprouts from the seeds of subtle shifts in awareness and perspective.


And grand transformation is desperately needed.

Right now, I’m working on my own subtle (and not-so-subtle) shifts by giving myself the freedom to give…to create and share as Spirit moves me with no thought of business building strategies…to write and paint and pray and cry and dream as Spirit calls me to…to devote my time to my real 3D life-work of nourishing community and deepening my relationship with the living Earth…to journey with the people who are called to me and facilitate their transformational processes with out the restraints of specified programs and formulas.

This, for me, is freedom time…time to get free.

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Personal Transformation, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Confessions of a Holistic Entrepreneur Part 1: Breakdown to Breakthrough

One fine day in August I hit the wall…again. Chained to my computer while the days of Summer were in their full bloom I was pushing and straining and trying to get up and over that wall of “making it” as a holistic entrepreneur, as I had been for almost 8 years.


A potential client who seemed to be in great need of my support and who felt like a “sure bet” after our initial session texted me to let me know she couldn’t “afford” to start coaching with me right now. I had been celebrating that some money would be coming in soon. I needed it badly and was counting on that payment to pull me out of the financial hole I was in. I was desperate.

So, my first reaction to this text had nothing to do with her sacred timing and her personal process…it had nothing to do with her wellbeing at all…it had everything to do with my own financial stress…and I lost it. I just broke down under the pressure of it all in a puddle of tears and frustration.

This wall I’ve been stubbornly brutalizing myself against is the one that says I have to succeed in this economy (i.e. make all my money) solely through my work as a coach and teacher.

It says that my spiritual work and my livelihood have to be one and the same. That to do anything else for money would be giving up on my mission, selling out or getting distracted. 

It says that Spirit will affirm my path and reward me through income if I’m on the right track. That if it’s not working out I must be doing something wrong or harboring some dysfunctional belief or baggage around money that’s “blocking my flow.” That my lack of financial stability is all about me having hang ups and, if I really wanted to, I could “process” my way to a steady 6 figure income. That if I truly wanted to help people effectively I had to become successful. 

I thought this was the higher path.

I thought this was dedication to my purpose.

And so, for almost 8 years I’ve held myself to the fire, day in and day out, trying to figure out a way over or through this wall. 

I’ve invested HUGE amounts of money and time and energy into learning the tricks of the trade and scouring my subconscious of any limiting beliefs I could find in an effort to hurl myself over the wall.

I have tortured my body with long hours inside on the computer hunched and twisted, stressed to the gills, trying to make sense of this thing called “business”.

I’ve self-analyzed and prayed and tweaked my schedule a million times to strike the most productive balance between setting a great example of self-care and always being “on top of my game” in an effort to be the perfect holistic entrepreneur.

I put my all into creating and promoting the most meaningful (and marketable) programs and offerings I could muster. And then, when people couldn’t afford them or weren’t able to make time for them, I’d be crushed…often going back to the drawing board of… “there must be something wrong with me and what I’m doing.” 

This probably happened over a million times in the last 8 years. And each time I would follow the advice of the “greats” by picking myself up, dusting myself off and running headlong into the wall again.

But not this time.


What I’ve been doing instead of stressin’ these days…savoring the turning seasons and the preciousness of life.

As this most recent breakdown cracked me open I turned within to unflinchingly look at what was really in there…and I realized…I don’t want to get over this wall…this wall is not for me, at all. 

It turns out that this wall was actually a guardrail for me…preventing me from moving forward on that path and guiding me in an entirely different direction.

The truth is that I am here on this planet and in this body to facilitate and collaborate in the RADICAL transformation of our culture. 

For me, this means the actual co-creation of an entirely new way of living…transforming our cultural lifeways from those that destroy, defile and alienate to those that connect, nurture and sustain life and the wellbeing of all. I thought a successful coaching business was a means to this end, but…

As I get honest with that calling and consider the aspects of this culture that are most in need of transformation, I find our current economic model (including all forms of “business”) at the top of the list…

Actually, to put it bluntly, I find that our whole economic paradigm is fucked.

The way we relate to money and think about it…how it influences our behavior and limits our choices. The way our lust and reverence for money continually excuses the most vial offenses against the very life systems that support us (and everything else). The way our relationship with money has commodified almost everything in our lives from water and food to love and connection. The way this commercialized culture has warped our own precious consciousness and attention with flashy advertisements, excessive stimulation and Pavlovian brand recognition.

“We are quite accustomed to seeing money as the key to the fulfillment of all our desires. How many dreams do you have that you assume you could fulfill if only (and only if) you had the money? Thus we mortgage our dreams to money, turning it from means to end.”

– Charles Eisenstein Sacred Economics (highly recommended read, btw)

I can see now how this economic paradigm has run me and caused me to turn my love of life and my desire to help others into a business. I can see how in making it a business I’ve gotten it all turned around…that I’ve bound and gagged my essential gift.

The ultimate goal of my life’s work is cultivate harmony and respect within the magical and beautiful Sacred Hoop of Life by recognizing our kinship (with our fellow humans and all our non-human relatives) and learning to care for each other and nurture the wellbeing of the whole.

When I am in financial lack and desperation and you are in need of my support and the only way we have to relate with each other is through the exchange of money this all gets thrown out the window.

The words might still be there but the God’s honest truth is, that when I don’t have enough money to buy groceries or pay rent, my primary motivation is to get money…and being fully present for your needs and your process becomes secondary. Being honest and radically creative also winds up taking a back seat to being palatable and lucrative. And I’m fucking over it.

It’s hard to confess this realization publicly, but it is true. It has been tearing me up for years. And I fucking hate being in this position. This separation between you and me…this strategizing and scheming to figure out how to get you to pay me so I can “make it.”

So I’m pulling out of it…

I’m an empowered, intelligent woman, free to choose and create my own experience. So I’m calling it…I’m done with the bullshit. I will not force myself to play this game of acquisition any longer. 

I’m taking the desperation out of my work so I can show up more fully for Spirit’s call and be truly present for the people who truly need my support.

To free myself from the desperation I’ve done something radical…something wildly outrageous…something I never thought I’d do again…

I got a J-O-B.

I decided to look for a part-time job that would pay enough to alleviate my stress without devouring all of my time and energy…and by the grace of the Goddess I found the perfect one…right away!!


My first day on the new job, running an after school program for elementary students across the valley. We were blessed by an owl on our first day together (look up on the lamp post). She hung out the whole time we were playing lodge ball and took flight just as we were leaving the park.

This job takes the pressure of needing to “build” my “business” and allows me to give myself permission to get real with the transformational work, cutting away all the parts that feel inauthentic. I’m giving myself the room to breathe that Spirit requires for deep connection and true transformation.

I imagine I’ll continue to write and share my writing through these blog posts and my emails to you all. And I intend to keep a window of time in my schedule for coaching a limited number of individuals along their personal growth paths. Writing and coaching…this is what I love.

But…no more marketing…no more promotions…no more trying to come up with the newest flashiest way to get your attention online. I’ve never like this crazy hustle…always stressed over it…and can’t bring myself to do it anymore. If you are meant to find me, you will. If you’re interested in what I have to share, you’ll pay attention.

There is so much to all of this…so many layers of the radical transformation I’m being called to unfolding through this shift…so much that is unknown and unclear…so much that is crystal clear to me.

One thing I know for sure is that in the absence of the demands of money, I feel my spirit emerging and the expression of my most authentic gifts blossoming…and it feels fantastic!

“Our purpose for being, the development and full expression of our gifts, is mortgaged to the demands of money, to making a living, to surviving. Yet no one, no matter how wealthy, secure, or comfortable, can ever feel fulfilled in a life where those gifts remain latent.”

– Charles Eisenstein Sacred Economics (highly recommended read, btw)

I’m not entirely sure what will come of it all…but I’ll do my best to keep you posted.


Read part 2 of this story…  

Confessions of a Holistic Entrepreneur Part 2: Freedom Time

Posted in Personal Transformation, Spiritual Connection, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Our Moment of Choice

We are coming of age…collectively…as a human family and as a planetary consciousness.

We’re going through a MAJOR transformation…a growing up and a changing of form…not unlike the liquification of the caterpillar as it morphs into a butterfly or the emergence of adulthood through the chaos of the teen years.


All life passes through these stages of growth and transformation with similar rhythms and patterns. To be alive and part of living systems means to go through the transformational process again and again…the cracking open of the limiting shell and the falling away of what is no longer needed…the opening to the new and the reaching for the light.

Here we are…right in the middle of a collective transformation of the grandest scale…reaching the limits of our ability to sustain life on planet Earth with our current ways of living and thinking…being stretched into the new for our own survival and the continuation of life itself.

We’re passing through all the awkward, messy, uncomfortable stages of chaos and confusion that mark the leaving behind of what was and the not yet there to what will be.

Old truths are falling away while new ones are just barely forming. We don’t know quite who we are or what to expect. We yearn for the new and cling to the old, one foot on either side of the threshold. 

Because this is a transformation of collective consciousness and we are self-aware conscious individuals within the collective we actually get to choose how we pass through this threshold.

This is our moment of choice.

In order to make this a mature conscious choice…the kind that can open doors to new levels of understanding and opportunity…we’ll have to make some sense of how we’ve gotten to this moment…to peel back the layers and understand the beliefs and choices that led us to the edge of our ability to sustain.

We get to look at everything we’ve inherited and consider what we want to pass on. What kind of values, stories, behaviors and systems do we want our children and their children to receive from us?

Seeing this time we’re living in as a collective coming of age helps me to understand the importance of this choice and the value in the human family becoming responsible, conscious choice-makers. Like teenagers becoming adults…this is our time to claim our power and choose to create the lives and the world that we want to live in together.



If you want to read more offerings like this be sure to subscribe to my email list in the sidebar of this page…I’ll be sending periodic links to the blog posts I make to keep us all connected. Blessings! 

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