Getting Organized for Health

This is a great time of year to get organized. Summer is over and we’re all returning to our “normal” routines and schedules. Whether you’re gathering in the harvest and putting up food for Winter, getting your business and finances in order after a crazy Summer or getting the kids back into their school year rhythm, it’s a time of settling into a gentle Fall rhythm after the expansiveness of Summer.

When you’re getting all your ducks in a row this year, make sure to remember your personal health and your relationship to food.

Food is easy to overlook and we tend to take it for granted, especially when we’re juggling kids, work, projects and all the details of busy modern life. It’s easy to slip into a habit of just grabbing food on the go and not giving it much thought. But…

…a little bit of conscious attention to your food can go a long way in supporting your physical health, energy level and moods.

Spending about ½ hour thinking ahead about what you would like to eat each week can save you a lot of time, money, energy and stress. As you’re settling into new Fall rhythms pick a time each week where you can sit down and think about what meals and snacks you and your family would like to have for the week. Then check out what you have in stock and make a shopping list for what you need.

When you go grocery shopping with a  good list you’ll save money and energy and choose healthier items.

And when you plan ahead for your meals, school lunches, etc. your whole family will settle into a healthier baseline in physical health. (which means better moods and more cooperation…bonus!) If you have bigger kids and/or a partner in your house you can even split up the cooking and cleaning responsibilities to make mealtime a more collective family experience.

Blogger’s Challenge: Pick three meals that you’d like to prepare in the coming week, write down the ingredients you’ll need to make them and get them in your kitchen. With the food on hand and the idea in mind you’ll be 95% there…then you just have to throw it together and enjoy!

Radiant Balance Holstic HealthYou’re invited to schedule a Personal Strategy Session with me to receive loving guidance and practical support for your personal transformation and holistic wellbeing. Jo delAmor, Personal Transformation Coach.

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