Obstacles…be Gone!

What gets in your way?

Pain? Fatigue? Frustration? Chaos? Fear? Overwhelm? These are some of the obstacles that can keep you from experiencing life at its fullest.

Many of these obstacles stem from blockages and imbalances in your physical body. When your body is using its vital creative energy to filter and dispose of an onslaught of toxic chemicals, re-balance its blood sugar after the morning pastry and recover from the adrenal damage caused by caffeine you can get to feeling really worn out. Pain, inflammation, fatigue, digestive issues and low immunity are a few of the noticeable signs of this scenario.

When your physical body is bogged down with toxins and disease your life can feel heavy and meaningless. And in this state, it’s nearly impossible to enjoy life and accomplish great tasks. There is just no energy left over to dream up a better future, play with your children, serve your community, create beauty or bond with your loved ones.

The good news is…
your body wants to be healthy and functional. And with a little support from you, it can get there pretty easily.
Making Friends with your Body

Your physical body is the focal point of your experience here on Earth. You take the world in and process it through your physical sensory organs, digestion and respiration. Any action or deed you accomplish in this lifetime will be delivered by means of your body. All the joys your experience are experienced through your body. Even thoughts and ideas are dependent on your body to form and come to fruition.

You don’t get to do anything in this life without your body.
This may seem obvious. But so many of us run around every day, accomplishing tasks, in complete denial of our bodies’ vital needs.

Banish your Obstacles with a Good Detox

Clearing away the physical debris that weighs your body down and learning how to keep your physical channels free and clear is an excellent way to make friends with your body. As you detox your body and learn how to maintain this clarity you will be rewarded with more energy, clearer thinking, inspiration and joy. The obstacles that stemmed from toxic overload will vanish and you’ll have the energy and clarity to maneuver through any new obstacles that come your way.

Fortunately, you can take a HUGE step toward clearing away these obstacles and making good friends with your body by joining a group of cleansers from around the country in this year’s Guided Spring Cleanse with Whole Body Detox Diet!

Radiant Balance Holstic Health

You’re invited to schedule a Personal Strategy Session with me to receive loving guidance and practical support for your personal transformation and holistic wellbeing. Jo delAmor, Personal Transformation Coach.


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