Burning Through the Fear

Do the mental gremlins of doubt and self-criticism keep you from living the life that you feel called to? 

When we get inspired to try something new and bold in our lives the first thing we usually encounter is FEAR! What will my friends and family think? Will I be able to pull it off? What if I fail?

Or, worse than that…what if I succeed? Eeek!  

This fear of the unknown is normal and natural. Everyone experiences it during times of personal change. I’ve been facing a fair amount of it as I peel back my layers of safety and protection to make myself more available as a coach and post these videos for ALL to see. 

That fear is the ego (our sense of self) trying to preserve itself. Somewhere in your consciousness there’s a part of you that would rather stay in the safe territory of the known than ever risk growing and changing.

But you HAVE to change and grow…because you’re alive!

Just like the burgeoning bud and the hatching fledgling…you must emerge. Your LIFE is calling you. If you let the fear take over and refuse to meet the opportunities life is presenting you they begin to fade away. Stuck and stagnating in your “safety” you’ll feel depressed, lost, listless and confused. And, ultimately, this is WAY more painful than taking the risk to follow your bliss. 
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
– Anais Nin
But the fear is real…it’s big and scary…and it can literally stop you in your tracks…so, you may ask, “How do I get through it?”…
When you decide to walk through the fire of your fears you’ll want to be well equipped to deal with everything that comes up so you can make it to the other side and SHINE!

The three most important things you’ll need are:

  • A Foolproof System… Well, you may still feel like a fool at times in this process of growing and changing but if you follow in the footsteps of those who have bloomed before you, you’ll gain a HUGE advantage over the challenges you have to face. The practices and skills developed through the direct experience of facing their fears and growing forth will be priceless to you when you’re facing your own paralyzing fear. My mentor reminds her clients of the importance of “Investing in a mentor who has the same result that you want to have.” Makes sense, doesn’t it?
  • Authentic Accountability… I bet you’re a master at hiding from yourself. We all are. It’s fascinating, really…how we set up precariously balanced blockades in our minds to keep us from seeing how beautiful we are, how loved we are, how capable we are and how the only thing keeping us from moving forward is our own doubt. Some skillful tough love is what’s in order to get through these barriers. Someone to hold you accountable to your own brilliance and reflect it right back to you so you can’t hide out any longer.
  • A Network of Support… In addition to a supportive coach or mentor, you’ll want to surround yourself with friends, family and community that share your vision and believe in you. We all want to belong. And often we hold ourselves back from our dreams because the people we hang with just don’t share them. Instead of holding yourself back you can find the people who can go there with you…the people who can get excited with you and who are challenging themselves in the same way. That’s where the magic happens.

Here’s me on a day when the fears were really dragging me down:

Let’s face it…living outloud and being the best version of yourself you can possibly be is worth a little extra effort. And it’s worth taking the risk to ask for help and receive it. We all need a little help along the way.
That’s why I always have a coach or a mentor in my life and why I love coaching others so much…because there’s deep magic in the giving and receiving…and because if you want to experience the reward of transformation you have to invest in it by investing in yourself.

And I’m here to support your transformation.

What this means for you is that you could be living into your dream like you never have before in just a few short months. We’ll start by tapping into your powerful inner guidance in your Sacred Purpose Discovery Session…schedule yours today!
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