Do you ever worry about the state of the world?
Ever wonder what’s going to happen to Her? What the future is going to be like?
Do you ever worry about what you’re up to? If you’re doing enough? How you’re going to make a living and sustain yourself? Do you ever get down on the job you have? Do you long for something more fun, more fulfilling, more meaningful?
These worries are interwoven…they are the same worry.
The world is struggling. She is flailing a bit (well, the modern Human aspect of Her, anyway) and She needs our help…She needs our brilliance. She needs us to wake up to our own power and offer our unique gifts to Her healing process.
In order to do this we have to face our demons…our demons of self doubt, of insecurity and of thinking that we aren’t capable…of thinking that we are insignificant. We have to reconcile the overwhelm we may feel about the ‘state of the world’ with our love and compassion for Her. To reconcile our guilt and shame with our love and compassion for ourselves and each other.
As the world changes to meet the challenges of the modern day, we are required to think ‘outside of the box’ to serve this change. Instead of trying to fit ourselves into a pre-existing job within the system, we may be required to awaken to our own inner longing and inspiration and to form our work from there. When we move from this place we can offer truly meaningful support to our fellow Humans and to the Earth.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
– Buckminster Fuller
This is how my work as a Holistic Health Counselor, natural health advocate and paradigm shifter has emerged. I certainly didn’t find this work in the classified section of a local newspaper. It has grown from my personal longing to see others thrive in good health. And, I’m happy to say that I am among a large group of people who have answered their own personal calling in this way. The Institute for Integrative Nutrition is educating a whole new generation of health care professionals and creating a brand new innovative approach to our modern health crisis. If this type of work calls you, I strongly recommend looking into this powerful program. But, of course, not everyone is called to this particular work.
We each have our own unique calling; our own unique gifts to offer to the world.
For example, a dear sister of mine has been called to conflict resolution and peace work. Through her own personal challenges and the challenges she observes in the world around her she has been inspired to explore the inner realms of conflict, communication and resolution. As she has grown in her capacity to meet her personal relationships with deep love, compassion and healing resolution, she has been called forth by her community to bring resolution to the challenges it faces. Her studies of Restorative Justice and her training as a Peace Ambassador have prepared her to deal with the real and pressing current challenges of her community.
As she stands into her personal power and offers this healing work to her community, she not only cultivates peace within the community but also allows her light to shine brightly, as a beacon to her own spirit and the spirits of all those she encounters.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Attributed to Howard Thurman
I invite you, in this moment, to tap into your deepest longing…that which moves you…that which brings you joy…that which ignites your passion…and to entertain the notion that that might be exactly the reason you were put on this Earth at this time. How would your life be different if you gave this gift to the world? How might the world be different if we all chose to give in this way? Is it time now to honor our passions? Is it time now to serve the healing of the world with our own precious gifts? I believe so.
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do”
You’re invited to schedule a Personal Strategy Session with me to receive loving guidance and practical support for your personal transformation and holistic wellbeing. Jo delAmor, Personal Transformation Coach.