“People now living on this planet assimilate more hazardous toxins in a single day than they did in an entire lifetime only a few hundred years ago.”
– Daniel Reid The Tao of Detox
More than 70,000 brand new chemicals (that never existed on Earth before) have been created and released into the environment since the 1950s. We’re exposed to them every day in the industrial pollution that is degrading the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil that our food is grown in. But they also sneak into our bodies in seemingly harmless ways through our shampoo, hand lotion, food packaging, air “fresheners” and even household items like furniture and cookware.
Even though our bodies are amazingly resilient and astoundingly intelligent, the fact is that they simply were not designed for this level of toxic exposure. Your detoxification organs (liver and kidneys) and channels of elimination (bowels, urinary tract, lung and skin) are working their little cells off and they just can’t keep up. During the course of daily life in the modern industrialized world, they get bogged down and overloaded.
When these vital systems get overloaded, toxins accumulate in your body and create an acidic internal environment that leads to chronic poor health and low quality of life. Debilitating diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity are the inevitable results. In most cases, these diseases are treated with medications that actually add to the toxic accumulation in the body and make it even harder for the body to detoxify and repair itself.
But the three simple practices below are both the cure for these diseases and the way to prevent them from occurring in the first place. And they’re much more fun than juggling prescriptions…
Limit Exposure. Make a conscious effort in your daily life to limit your toxic exposure. Eat high quality organic whole foods, drink lots of pure clean water and clean up your household products. Begin switching out conventional bath, body and cleaning products for natural ones.
Release Daily. Keep your eliminatory channels functioning properly. Make sure you’re moving your bowels regularly, peeing often, sweating on a regular basis and breathing deeply. These are the exit routes for toxins… they have to be kept open if you want to release the toxins.
Reset Regularly. Intentionally cleanse your body 1-3 times a year. Do a deeper, more focused detox once, twice or three times every year. It’s important to set a little time aside to reset your system and give your body an advantage over the toxins it’s exposed to.
Fortunately, you have access to all the information and support you need to follow through with this and take your health into your own hands. What this means for you is that your body will be able to keep up with its detox process so you can live a long, healthy and much happier life. It also means that you can help your loved ones do the same. If you can make it work in your own life, you can be a living example and raise the bar on health for all the people you love.
Commit to your own vibrant health today by scheduling a Customized Detox with me so I can walk you through the process of clearing the toxins out with love!