Those last 10 pounds…

Did you know that toxic chemicals lurking in your body literally block your ability to lose weight?

Whether you’re 50 pounds overweight or just struggling with those last 5-10 pounds, chances are it has more to do with these pesky chemicals than it does with your willpower or which diet plan you’re using.

If you’re trying to lose weight, toxic overload is the first and most important thing to learn about. 

Toxins in food, medications and conventional products embed themselves in our bodies and interfere with our natural metabolic functions, making it nearly impossible to lose the weight, no matter what kind of diet or exercise plan you push yourself through.

Center for Disease Control reports show over 400 synthetic chemicals embedded in the average American body. At least 20 of those chemicals have been identified as Obesogens.

Obesogens are chemicals that have the ability to alter fat metabolism and promote fat retention.

They do this by mimicking your own metabolic hormones and neurotransmitters and literally changing your metabolism from the inside out!  This has very little to do with diet and exercise… it’s happening on a cellular level.

Unfortunately, these toxins have a tenacious ability to hang in there and can be quite dangerous. If you try to push through and lose the weight without clearing these toxins from your body, you can get yourself into big trouble.  The extra fat is actually serving the purpose of protecting you from these chemicals.  So your body won’t want to let it go until the chemicals are gone!

If you starve and exercise your way to a smaller dress size, the fat may burn off, but the toxins will stay behind.  This could leave you feeling really sick or fatigued, and could even cause organ damage.  Also, that new dress size you’re wearing probably won’t last for long.  Your loving body will pack on the pounds again (usually even faster than before) to protect you.

The good news is… you can stop beating yourself up with diets that don’t work and start to educate yourself about where these fat promoting chemicals are coming from and how to safely clear them from your body.

I’m going to spell it all out for you in my next teleseminar… “Those Last 10 Pounds: How toxic chemicals lurking in your body literally block your ability to lose weight.”

You’ll learn exactly how these chemicals get into your body and what kind of crazy things they do in there. You’ll also gain priceless tools for clearing and cleansing these dangerous chemicals from your system so you can let go of that extra weight safely and effectively.

Don’t worry, I’ll spare you the boring scientific explanations and most of the scary details… we’ll jump right into what this means for you and what you can do about it to let go of that weight once and for all!

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