I just had another one of those “best day ever” kind of days. I feel so incredibly blessed that these kind of days have become more of a regular occurrence in the past several years and that lately there are more of them then not. There are still some “ho-hum” days and some fairly difficult days here and there, but these mind-blowingly awesome days are outnumbering them by far.
The gifts that the Universe offers to us in exchange for presence and gratitude are truly astounding!
As I become more present and am able to greet each new day/moment with gratitude and openness, my life becomes richer and more beautiful. I am able to feel more of the miraculous details of the Divine design, I get to inJOY more of each moment and I am graced with bountiful connections, outrageous opportunities and simple pleasures. This reciprocation is almost instant and is ever so generous.
I got to start the day off today with deep creative connection with my daughter. She and I have spent the last couple of days on an impromptu art odyssey. A few nights ago, we poured through one of Alex Grey’s books and talked in depth about every picture. Then, the next day, we explored Frida Kahlo, Salvador Dali, Vincent VanGough and M.C. Escher online, talking about their lives and marveling at their pieces. She was so inspired by these masters that she decided to make a painting for her dad for Father’s Day. She envisioned the piece and we worked together to pull it off, connecting, learning, laughing and thoroughly enjoying the collaborative creative process.
Once the piece was finished we headed out to her dad’s house (just a short walk down the road) to dive into another collaborative creative project with our sacred community. Today was the day to build our new community sweatllodge. It’s time to retire the one we’ve been praying in for the past few years and start fresh again.
We have been blessed with a most amazing community of deeply devoted people with open hearts who are willing to work hard and laugh loud in gratitude for all that is offered. Collectively, we put our heads, hands and backs into the glorious process of gathering willow and weaving our new lodge with prayers of thanks giving throughout the day.
Working together with my human brothers and sisters, following the guidance of the Creator and connecting deeply with the plants and animals of the natural world awakens and ancient and primal life force within me that feels more right than anything else I have experienced.
My favorite thing ever is feeling FREE to be human here on the Earth in deep relation to with my community and the Creator…wild and raw…loving, learning, growing, praying, sharing, singing and listening. Riding in the back of the pick-up truck stacked high with freshly harvested willow bows, singing thanks and praises, lifted my heart in JOY.
“Planting” the willows back into the Earth in respect to each direction and working together to bend and weave them back toward each other to create the sacred womb we will pray in nourished the depth of my soul. We worked hard today and built a beautiful lodge that will serve the prayers of our community for years. Now my body is tired and my heart is FULL.
This was a “best day ever” sort of day for me…What are yours like?
I’d love to hear what makes you feel whole and fulfilled in the comments below…what kind of blessings are being bestowed upon you?
You’re invited to schedule a Personal Strategy Session with me to receive loving guidance and practical support for your personal transformation and holistic wellbeing. Jo delAmor, Personal Transformation Coach.