While on my way to Florida earlier this month I realized that there’s nothing like airport security to give you a nice (and humorous) close up view on our hectic modern lives.
Quick! Everybody take off your shoes and belts and jackets… empty your pockets and get your ziploc bag full of miniature bottles of liquids out into a bin. “Can it share a bin with my jacket or does it need it’s own bin?” Walk through the radiation scanner and then quickly get your shoes back on, gather up all your stuff and rush off to your gate. And whatever you do, don’t raise any suspicion or hold up the people behind you by asking questions.
This is what life is like now. Always rush rush rush, meeting deadlines and making appointments. You have to be getting something done or getting somewhere down the line. And all that rushing is literally frying our nervous systems, leaving us toxed-out and susceptible to countless diseases.
The Tao of Detox by Daniel Reid, an expert in ancient Chinese principles of health and Taoist practices, states definitively that rest and relaxation are essential for the detoxification process. In fact, he explains that the body cannot properly neutralize and eliminate toxins unless it is truly at rest.
And how often are we truly at rest?
Our central nervous systems have two circuits; the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. The sympathetic circuit is characterized by our “Fight or Flight” response. It consumes huge amounts of nerve energy and is only supposed to be used in short flashes. But modern life calls for it to be used almost constantly with our deadlines and demands at work, interpersonal drama, political conflict, traffic, stress and even the emotionally stimulating TV, movies and advertisements that inundate our lives.
The parasympathetic is associated with “Rest and Relaxation” because that’s what’s required for it to do it’s magic. It governs auto-detoxification and self-cleansing responses and regulates excretory functions. Total rest and relaxation are required for this to work properly.
When the nervous system gets locked into “Fight or Flight” response, the immune response atrophies, cleansing and excretory functions are suppressed, and toxic waste continuously accumulates in the body.
Daniel Reid suggests taking at least 3-7 days of total rest and relaxation to facilitate detox. I think most of us would find that pretty hard to pull off.
In lieu of a complete spa experience, here are three simple ways that you can incorporate more R and R into your daily life…
• Allow yourself quiet, relaxing meal times. Chew slowly. Breathe deeply. Explore the texture and savor the flavor of each bite. Tune into your body and appreciate your food. Light a candle. Let go of trying to figure anything out or accomplishing anything while you eat. Try to do this for at least one meal each day.
• Get yourself ready for bed consciously. Start winding down for bed and have some relaxing time beforehand. Unplug from the computer and TV to let your nervous system shift into relaxation mode. Avoid loud music or anything that is too stimulating before bedtime. Sip on some herbal tea, such as chamomile, to promote calmness and relaxation. Refrain from eating after 8pm to let all your food digest before you hit the sack. Use relaxing essential oils, such as lavender, on your pillow. Take a few moments to stretch, rub your shoulders or feet, or simply sit in silence and allow thoughts to float away like clouds.
• Get to bed early. 10pm-2am is the body’s natural time to detox. Being in bed and fully relaxed or sleeping during this time is the best thing you can do for your body’s detox process. My favorite acupuncturist always tells me that every hour before midnight counts as two!
By incorporating these simple practices into your life each day, you can give your nervous system a break and process toxins more efficiently.
If you want to find out how to neutralize and release all those toxins that are stored away in your body, schedule a personal Customized Detox today. I’ll create a detox plan designed just for you and your unique needs, then walk you through the process of carrying it all out with grace!