This blog post is an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Turbulent Times” by Jo delAmor
The most powerful thing we can do for our children in these uncertain times is to join them in facing this unprecedented time on Earth with honesty, courage and a lot of love.
The world our children are currently facing is full of confusion, pain and fear. Unless we create something different together we will only experience more of the same.
So, let’s create something different…starting with the way we raise our little ones.
The connection that can be developed between parents and children who explore and learn the world together as partners is profoundly precious.

The opportunity to live our lives in deep partnership with our children is an outrageous blessing bestowed upon every parent. But it’s up to us to recognize it as such and choose to live in that way.
We are here with each other and for each other and will have to face the circumstances of our lives together. If we’re willing, we’ll see that we’re here to learn from each other in countless ways, as well.
Nourishing our connection as allies and collaborators creates an unbreakable lifelong bond and empowers us to respond to the crises we face on Earth in ways we could never do on our own.
If you could wave a magic wand and create a beautiful future from this moment forward for you and your children perhaps your experience would include:
- Feeling confident as a parent and having peace of mind that you’re giving your kids what they need
- Growing closer in love, respect, partnership and connection with your children as they age
- Feeling like you and your kids are part of the solution and that you are helping restore health, sanity and beauty in our society and on the planet
- Your kids being excited about their paths, passionate about their lives and hopeful for their futures
This is not only possible, but it is right at your fingertips.
The inspiration and guidance in this book is designed to empower you to be your children’s greatest advocate and ally as you rise, with them, to meet the unprecedented challenges and opportunities of this unique moment in history.
It’s not going to be easy and it’s not going to be perfect, but you can actually grow closer to your children as they age. Your kids can find their footing in this wild world and you can become a better, stronger, healthier person as you learn together how to care for our world. When you’re engaged in the care of our world the overwhelm eases and everything changes.
To dive deeper into New Paradigm Parenting partnership read “Partnering with Your Children: Part 2”

This is an excerpt from the forthcoming book Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Turbulent Times by Jo delAmor
Visit this page for more information about this book and to sign up to be notified when it is published and available for sale.